Daniel Negreanu var i to tilfælde i centrum under EPT-turneringen i Monte Carlo. Det var dog ikke på grund af pokeren, at canadieren kom i kameralinsernes søgelys. Derimods optrådte PokerStars-proen i to humorisitiske videointerviews, som han fortæller om i sin nyeste blog.
Først skubbede Negreanu en reporter i vandet, da spørgsmålene blev lidt for nærgående.
"As for the SikTilt interview, that guy is a jerk and I'm glad I threw him in the pool. He totally deserved it after that line of questioning... kidding, that was all just a joke too and they approached me with the idea earlier in the day and I thought it would be fun."
Derudover lod canadieren Cardplayer TV komme på besøg i hans suite under EPT-afslutningen. Da de når ind i soveværelset, ligger der dog en mere eller mindre påklædt blondine i Negreanus lagner. Endnu en joke.
"When they showed up to do the piece they brought along a girl to plant in my bed. I was a bit uneasy about it at first, thinking it might come off a bit wrong, but was like, "Why not" and went with it. It was just supposed to be funny and they didn't use the part where I made that clear."
Negreanu-bloggen finder du her.
Negreanu: Fyren var en idiot