"Jeg har jo ikke noget valg!" Jonas Klausen er stadig chokeret over, at Bwin fastholder, at han har snydt og dermed ikke vil tilbagebetale de 250.000 kroner han vandt i 'Big Deal' turneringen tilbage i januar. Han vil nu gå rettens vej for at få sine penge tilbage og få renset sit navn.
"Hvis jeg bare accepterer deres tåbelige afgørelse, så er det jo det samme som, at erkende, at jeg har snydt, og det har jeg IKKE!"", siger Jonas til Acemag.dk.
Først anklagede Bwin Jonas Klausen for at have colluded (spillet sammen med en anden spiller, red), men derefter ændrede de anklagerne til multiaccounting, hvilket vil sige, at Jonas Klausen den pågældende søndag skulle have deltaget i turneringen med to eller flere konti. Efter at have undersøgt sagen endnu engang fastholder Bwin, at Jonas Klausen er en fusker og dermed ikke har krav på at få sine penge tilbage.
Jonas Klausen er selv overbevist om, at det er Alexander Pedersens konto TulkazZzzz, der har visse lighedspunkter med Klausens egen konto Tulkaz33, der er sagens kerne. Alexander spillede samme turnering og boede på samme hotel i Deauville under EPT'en - OG Alexanders konto blev frosset samtidigt med Jonas Klausens konto blev spærret. Bwin vil ikke oplyse, hvilke(n) konto, det drejer sig om, og selskabet vil heller ikke offentliggøre beviserne, der ligger til grund for deres beslutning, da det efter deres mening vil være i strid med persondataloven.
Vi snakkede med Bwins presseofficer, Kevin O'Neil i aftes, og han beklager situationen, men fastholder, at beviserne ikke kommer frem i offentligheden.
"Men jeg vil anbefale Jonas klausen at kontakte vores costumer service. Den er verdensklasse, og her vil han få al den hjælp han behøver", fortæller pressechefen.
"Ha, what a joke! Jeg har skrevt utallige mails til supporten og alle mulige andre fra Bwin, men har intet hørt. Jeg kan kun fraråde alle at spille hos Bwin", slutter Jonas Klausen.
Jonas har sendt os en kopi af hans dialog med Bwin, da han gerne vil ha', at de danske pokerspillere skal kende til hans sag.
Hello support..
Ive seen my bwin account has been closed why is that? Have I done something wrong? It was kindda the same after I placed 3rd in the Ongame 1mill SH 1000$ event..
Is it possible to open the account again pretty fast? Or at least give me a reason..
//jonas klausen
Hello En Support..
Ive been waiting for allmost a week now, and I haven't heard anything from you guys yet. Is it possible to get something like a timeline about how long its gonna take :)
//Jonas Klausen
Ehh im not quite sure what happens here?
You are taking the money that ive won from the tournament? Can you please be more forfilling with the information? and give me a reason for this?
Or are you just taking the 42500$that where depositet to my account second time? And open my account again with the 42500$ that ive won?
After I read my email I just sent to you though I don't quite feel it covers my side..
This is absurd!!! I'm completely innocent.
I'm a professional sponsored poker player. I play all the EPTs, the WSOP and all tournaments online, and have done so for years. I have NEVER ever been accused of things like this, nor have I done anything wrong.
During the tournament you're refering to, I was at the Hotel Plaza in Paris because of the Euro Finals of Poker at Aviation Club the France. I played all the tournaments here, and so did many other professionals.
I wasn't in the same room as them, and I - God forbit - didn't share my cards with them or otherwise colluded.
I find myself outraged that you will make conclusions like this, based on nothing but pure circumstantiel evidence. Surely this is not the case?
Feel free to call me on my phone XXXXXXX thoughout the day. Otherwise I will be forced to turn over this case to my PR agency and my lawyers.
//Jonas Klausen
Denne her sendte jeg til den danske support
Jeg kan lige opsummere historien. Jeg spillede i søndags Big deal på Bwin på mit hotel Plaza ( kan confirmes ) i Paris, da jeg var der i forhold Euro Finals of Poker. På samme hotel boede der en bunke andre danskere og muligvis også andre professionelle pokerspiller. Men lad mig understrege på forskellige værelser. Dog var dette hotel for engang skyld udstyret med et ordenligt trådløst internet, som vi alle spillede henover.
Well - jeg går hen og vinder Bigdeal og de 42500$og jeg er mega glad obv.. Jeg går samtidigt dybt i andre tours den nat.. Well jeg vågner næste morgen og vil lige tjekke pengene er på min bwin konto, og jeg prøver at logge ind min konto er lukket.. Okay weird tænker jeg, men det var præcis det samme problem jeg havde efter grand tour, så jeg hopper online på jeres hjemmeside og logger ind på min konto, og kan fint logge ind, jeg lægger mærke til der står et højere beløb i Dkr lidt over dobbelt så meget som der burde, men jeg tænker ikke helt præcist over det og trykker withdraw et større beløb. Derefter skriver jeg til engelsk support igennem jeres hjemmesides funktion og skriver jeg gere vil have åbnet min konto igen. Jeg høre ikke noget i løbet af de to første døgn hvorefter jeg skriver til jer ( danske support ) og i siger at i har sendt min henvendelse videre til dem. Jeg høre stadig ikke noget. Torsdag skriver jeg endnu engang til den engelsk support, denne gang fra min email ( den kommer her ) :
Hello support..
Ive seen my bwin account has been closed why is that? Have I done something wrong? It was kindda the same after I placed 3rd in the Ongame 1mill SH 1000$ event..
Is it possible to open the account again pretty fast? Or at least give me a reason..
//jonas klausen
Stadig intet svar og jeg sender denne :
Hello En Support..
Ive been waiting for allmost a week now, and I haven't heard anything from you guys yet. Is it possible to get something like a timeline about how long its gonna take :)
//Jonas Klausen
og så får jeg endelig svar :
Dear Mr. Klausen,
Thank you for contacting us.
We have received your query regarding your account status and this has now been forwarded to the relevant department. They will be investigating this case for you. We kindly ask for your patience as they provide us with the relevant information.
Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Fint nok tænker jeg, og må slå koldt vand i blodet.
Her i dag modtager jeg så denne mail fra den engelsk support:
Dear Mr Klausen,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please be advised, your account has been blocked for security reasons and is currently undergoing investigation.
Due to a serious breach of our terms and conditions, we have decided to confiscate the prize that you won in the tournament on 18.01.2009 for the amount of $42525.00 USD.
Please note, these funds have been redistributed back to the legitimate players in this tournament.
Details of the tournament in question can be found at the following URL (does not reflect the prize redistribution):
The account is still undergoing further investigation and a decision has not yet been reached as to how to proceed with this account and the remaining funds.
As soon as we have any further information regarding this case we will notify you accordingly.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in the meantime should you have any queries.
Kind regards,
Your bwin customer service team
bwin acknowledges its commitment to responsible gaming
Og jeg sender denne email tilbage da jeg slet ikke er i tvivl om det er fordi i har sat 1 plads beløbet ind på min konto to gange:
Ehh im not quite sure what happens here?
You are taking the money that ive won from the tournament? Can you please be more forfilling with the information? and give me a reason for this?
Or are you just taking the 42500$that where depositet to my account second time? And open my account again with the 42500$ that ive won?
Derefter får jeg denne her tilbage :
Dear Mr Klausen,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please be advised that, your account has been blocked due to collusion in the weekly big deal tournament on the 18th January. This is a serious breach of our terms of service, and as per these conditions we have decided to confiscate the prize that you won in the tournament(42525.00 USD RM).
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Your bwin customer service team
bwin acknowledges its commitment to responsible gaming
Jeg går i mere eller mindre chok over det her. Da det er helt absurt. Sender den her email med det samme, skulle nok lige ha brugt nogle minutter til at kigge den igennem:
Okay, that just not sounds odd, its sounds sick, who are you thinking im colluding with?
I can start out with saying that I would never do anything of that kind, and im completely innocent, and anybody who knows me will swear to that.
Im a really big pokerplayer in Denmark and I would never put my name on the line by doing anything like that, is there a way we can communicate better than over email?
You can call me be phone XXXXXX And you can contact me thoughout the day. This is not the end of this case.
I was a the Hotel Plaza in paris when I played the tour where a bounch of other danish poker players lived too. But we werent even in the same room.
I will finish out by saying I have done none of that kind. I have NOT colluded at all.
//Jonas Klausen
Hvorefter jeg har læst den igennem synes jeg ikke den forklare nok og jeg sender denne her også :
After I read my email I just sent to you though I don't quite feel it covers my side..
This is absurd!!! I'm completely innocent.
I'm a professional sponsored poker player. I play all the EPTs, the WSOP and all tournaments online, and have done so for years. I have NEVER ever been accused of things like this, nor have I done anything wrong.
During the tournament you're refering to, I was at the Hotel Plaza in Paris because of the Euro Finals of Poker at Aviation Club the France. I played all the tournaments here, and so did many other professionals.
I wasn't in the same room as them, and I - God forbit - didn't share my cards with them or otherwise colluded.
I find myself outraged that you will make conclusions like this, based on nothing but pure circumstantiel evidence. Surely this is not the case?
Feel free to call me on my phone XXXXXXXX thoughout the day. Otherwise I will be forced to turn over this case to my PR agency and my lawyers.
//Jonas Klausen
Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
I am sure you are already aware of the situation with my winnings from BIG DEAL.
I won a poker tournament and 42.000+ dollars on BWIN. I played the tournament from a hotel in Paris where I stayed. A lot of other poker players stayed at the same hotel. We were in Paris for the Euro Finals of poker and also to celebrate 2 Danish players who were fighting for rewards (Peter Eastgate and Jesper Kipster Hougaard).
It is quite common that hotels have same IP on their wireless connection- Admittedly a lot of players where in Paris at the same hotel, but we were not in the same room at any point. The hotel can of course deliver their IP to BWIN as a proof.
We need to solve this matter ASAP
1: Please provide me the hands in question and others reason that lead to the "colluding decision"
2: Please provide me the contact details for the Gibraltar gaming commission where I can complain about your decision----- unless the decision is reversed.
My name has been put in Jeopardy with this decision- players who got extra funds might know my screen name and thus come to a conclusion that I am a cheater.
I will seek full compensation in this case. Resolution have to be that BWIN officially inform the players who had money distributed to their accounts that a mistake has been made.
I would really like you to contact me by telephone right away on XXXXXX so I know this case is in your hands.
Please return to me by end of business day Monday with the relevant documents.
Jonas Klausen
Hello Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
Even though I haven't reseived any information from you/bwin/ongame, I have reseived the official statement you guys made to the press in denmark ect. ( How can you not notify me? )
Well I have made an official statement, I have no idea which account you are thinking I played too other than the Account : TulkazZzzz ( WHICH I DIDNT PLAY ). You need to put some evidence on the table.
Official statement from Jonas Klausen regarding the seizure of his funds from BWIN
I am the account holder of Tulkaz33 on BWIN.
This is the only account I played January 18th 2009 in Ongames Big Deal Tournament.
Another account named TulkazZzz (Eurobet) played the same tournament from the same hotel that I stayed at. The tulkazZzz account does not belong to me. The similarities in nickname on the account are because my good friend Alexander KP is the account holder. I take the "copy" of my nickname as a compliment. HOWEVER this is the only connection between the 2 accounts.
Alex and I stayed at the same hotel in Paris- we both played the BIG DEAL tournament. We were never in the same room at the hotel during the tournament.
There is nothing odd in 2 Danish players playing the same tournament from the same hotel. A lot of Danish players play the European tournaments and of course we use same hotel. So do the Swedes, Norwegians etc. It is very common to live together with your countrymen when you travel the European Circuit or during WSOP.
There is nothing odd in having a similar nickname (Mike123, MikeG, Mikethemighty etc.).
There is nothing odd in Tulkaz33 and TulkazZzz playing in the same tournaments. BWIN and their fraud team SHOULD have checked this, as it has happened on several occasions before. On those occasions I have played from my home in Odense and Alex from his home in Århus (or wherever he was). The Fraud team should have checked that there has NEVER before been any IP relationship between these accounts.
BWIN and the Ongame fraud team could have investigated this and contacted me to get an explanation. Instead they decided to judge me and take my winnings without any questions asked.
Their statement:
"bwin noticed suspicious behaviour during the "Big Deal" poker tournament, which was also reported by several of the participating players. Upon investigation of this incident, it was found that player Jonas Klausen had played against himself in the tournament with 2 accounts."
This is not a true statement. The only suspicious behavior is that me and Alexander (and a lot of Danish poker players) stayed at the same hotel and played in the same tournament. There is no evidence of me playing both accounts. BWIN would easily be able to see, that the 2 accounts have no history of playing together except for their bigger tournaments.
The hotel in Paris will of course be able to confirm that both I and Alex stayed there in separate rooms. Both our names will be found in the records from Aviation Club where we played in the European Poker Reward Tournaments.
I am 100% innocent in the accusations and allegations against me. The trial that was held internally by BWIN and Ongame reached a wrong conclusion. Their investigations failed when they decided not to ask or hear out the player involved in the case.
Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
This is getting kind of annoying- absurd, I don't get any info from you guys, you promise alot of things and you don't follow through on any of them. I have no idea how you can threat a customer like this? You are running a brand "Pokerclient", and you are almost trying to scare of your customers?
Ive just read some official thing you have told acemag:
"Fairness to all players is of the utmost importance to bwin. Therefore, bwin is continuing to further investigate the incident involving Mr. Jonas Klausen. We kindly ask for your understanding that we cannot comment on this matter in the meantime. We expect to have completed this investigation within the next couple of weeks."
First of all, you continue to not communicate with me ( my phone has been open all day ) and my email adresse is not blocked in any way. The last email I got from bwin was last friday with the dicision to take my founds.
Further more, first you accuse me of Collusion, and then change it to multi accounting. This is not a big thing, but why not call a bird a bird and multi accounting- multi accounting and not collusion.??
Then you promise the media to bring out all the facts in this case today thuesday, all the evidense? Where are they? You made a dicision 5 days ago, where you apprantly had enough evidence to take the founds and give them to the other players. Have you lost these? I mean, it can't be that hard to attach these files to an email and sent it out, either to me or to some of the media involved in this thing.
You don't need to investigate all these things once again, cause there is notthing to find.
And the last thing- Is it really that hard to say sorry for this? And give me back the money? You really wanna drag this out the next couple of weeks?
Well I hope I get and answer for once..
//Jonas Klausen
Sorry to ask but do you think that is fair to me? and players involved? who are involved.. Talking about my friend Alex Petersen. Well I promise you he wanna know what this is all about to.
You can't just close down like this. Being open like you guys where monday, telling everybody I was multi accounting... You gotta get it togather Dersim, I know its not you who is running this case, but how can you threat a customer like this ( me, in this case ?). Bwin should be on my side, and be forfilling with information about what is happening. What is happening at the moment?
//Jonas Klausen
Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
I was wondering if there is any news in the case and if you know the timeline? Am I gonna have to wait another week?
I hereby officially request you to finalize the investigation regarding my account Tulkaz33 and the seizure of my winnings ($42.500) from the Sunday "BIG DEAL" tournament played on January 18th.
Please let me know the result of the investigation no later than 12:00 UK Monday February 9th.
Jonas Klausen
Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
Come on, its been 14 days now. This is ridicules, lets get this thing behind us. Why do you insist on draging this out?
//Jonas Klausen
I was just told that bwin/ongame are standing bye its dicision?
Where you planning on telling me this? I hope you do realize this is gonna end up in court...
Am I gonna see any kinds of evidence? You still have my phone number?
Bwin Pokermanager, Scandinavia
Are you standing by the side of this dicision personally? Nobody at bwin are talking to me, and havent been for over 18 days now.. What am I gonna do here other than taking legal action, you leave me no outs?
This is getting ridicules, are you gonna contact me at any point through this case? ITS BEEN 17 DAYS SINCE IVE GOTTEN ANY INFOMATION?
I have no idea what is going on here, what is the accusation now? First it was collusion, then it was multi accounting, and now its notthing? Im just quilty of something?
Do you have any idea how this is gonna look when everybody is gonna hear about how BWIN is rendering their customers lawless, BWIN can basicly do whatever they wan't?
You can have my phone number XXXXXXX and I give you the oppotunity to call me and talk to me, since Dersim is being closedmouthed by you guys.
Call me and lets figur this out..
//Jonas Klausen
Jonas Klausen vil sagsøge Bwin