Jonas Klausen er blevet beskyldt for at have snydt sig til sejren i Ongame netværkets store søndagsturnering 'Big Deal'. Bag anklagerne stod Bwin, der i overenstemmelse med selskabets regler konfiskerede gevinsten på godt 250.000 kroner. Jonas Klausen benægtede anklagerne.
"Jeg har ikke snydt og forlanger en offentlig undskyldning og mine penge tilbage", sagde Jonas Klausen til diverse pokermedier.
I dag kom den officielle 'undskyldning' så fra Bwin. Men det er næppe helt, hvad Jonas klausen havde håbet på. Den populære danske pokerspiller og Bwin har i stedet nået en fælles forståelse af sagens forløb:
"Bwin and Jonas Klausen wish to announce that they have resolved their dispute. The recriminations have been cleared up on both sides, and Jonas Klausen has been reinstated as a member of the Ongame Network poker community and remains a customer at bwin".
Vi gætter på, at denne fælles forståelse betyder, at han har fået alle sine penge tilbage og er blevet renset fra alle anklager, men vi ved det reelt ikke. Jonas Klausen vil nemlig ikke fortælle detaljerne i aftalen. Derfor ringede vi endnu engang til Bwins øverste pressechef, Kevin O'Neil
Your first investigation concluded that Jonas Klausen was guilty of cheating and then you reopened the case and spend another 14 days of intense investigation and you still reached the same conclusion. Jonas Klausen had been cheating. Now you reach a setllement and Jonas Klausen has been reinstated as a player at Bwin. So was he guilty or not?
"... (lang pause) ... We have not reached a settlement. We reached a mutual understanding. Jonas Klausen and Bwin has reached an understanding and the recrimination on both sides has been cleared. we are now very happy to look forward", siger pressechefen.
But that doesn't answer the question. Was Jonas klausen guilty of cheating - Yes or No?"
"... (ikke så lang pause) ... Jonas Klausen and Bwin has reached an understanding and the recrimination on both sides has been cleared and we are now very happy to look forward"
Does that mean that Jonas Klausen was guilty?
" (ingen pause) Jonas Klausen and Bwin has reached an understanding and the recrimination on both sides has been cleared and we are now very happy to look forward"
Vi tror ikke, at vi kommer meget nærmere svaret i denne omgang...
"In law, recrimination is a defense in an action for divorce in which the accused party makes a similar accusation against the plaintiff. In plain English, it is a lawyer's way of saying "you too." Fra Wikipedia.
Jonas Klausen og Bwin har fået en fælles forståelse. Se den her