Mark Vos vil have svar

Mark Vos vil have svar

Normalt er australske Mark Vos kendt for at være en af de mest vindende pokerspillere på nettet, samt for at shortstacke, hvilket sætter mange af de andre highrolleres pis i kog.

På det seneste har Patrik Antonius dog været ude og kalde ham for en løgner, fordi Vos ifølge finnen er en løgner.

Nu svarer Mark Vos dog tilbage i en tråd på 2+2, hvor han kræver svar på blandt andet hvorfor, han bliver kaldt en løgner (Antonius mener, at Vos har beskyldt ham for at dele account):

"He says that I am spreading lies about him, WHAT LIES? I pointed out a peculiar similarity in his chat with someone else.... On THIS forum. I didn't state that he was multi-accounting, I just stated a fact, with a possible implication. While I accept that I may have been mistaken in my implication, it was provoked by a personal attack from his account after I had never said a bad word to him. The only time I mentioned it after that was when I read the interview that he wanted to punch me, cause I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about."

Og han slutter med:

"While I'm aware 80% of the responses are gonna be 'douche' related I hope that in a day or two when I wade through it all I'm gonna find some kind of answer.... "

Det er nok tvivlsomt, at Patrik Antonius skulle læse med på forummet, men det kunne nok være et interessant matchup, hvis de to kunne 'få snakket ud' om tingene.