Justin "ZeeJustin" Bonomo har de seneste par dage haft et par sammenstød med Isildur1 ved onlinebordene. I går spillede han så mod en anden anonym svensker, DrPill. Den session endte med en chat, hvor Justin Bonomo endte med at beskylde DrPill og Isildur1 for at dele accounts - en ting, der ikke er lovligt.
DrPill: btw
DrPill: hpow did my friends &&%% feel?
DrPill: u asked me to let him play
Dealer: DrPill has 15 seconds left to act
DrPill: he took 550k from you (not stating that zee took 300k back yesterday)
DrPill: wos it nice?
ZeeJustin: yes, in fact let him know i'd like to play again
DrPill: he will distroy you
ZeeJustin: id enjoy some more
DrPill: yeah i CAN SEE THAT
ZeeJustin: if you want to play higher, or play more tables, just let me know (3 tabling 50/100 now)
ZeeJustin: you or "your friend"
DrPill: hahaha
DrPill: your funny
ZeeJustin: not joking
ZeeJustin: just tell me when and where
DrPill: your cool
DrPill: btw how did u know we are friends
DrPill: brogski told you?
ZeeJustin: everyone knows you two share accounts
DrPill: lol we dont share
ZeeJustin: its so obvious which one of you is playing
DrPill: yeah yeah
ZeeJustin: pretty clever to tell him to 2.5x on your account
DrPill: let isac play for you or maybe stake you vs us
ZeeJustin: that way no one will figure it out!
DrPill: yeah yeah
ZeeJustin: isaac and i have never played on the others' accounts
ZeeJustin: and never will
ZeeJustin: when you play us, you know who you are playing
DrPill: samehere
ZeeJustin: why dont you play me at 100/200 then like you did at first?
DrPill: couse im hurt to bad vs durrr and some other
DrPill: but it will come
DrPill: dont you worry son
ZeeJustin: glad to hear it
Bonomo beskylder DrPill og Isildur1 for snyd