Det var en flok rystede amerikanske pokespillere, som i timerne efter politiaktionen mod "The Poker Companies" bagmænd nærmest tæppebombarderede Twitter med reaktioner. Også danske spillere har haft travlt med at give deres mening tilkende. Acemag bringer her en række af dem:
Lars "Dsavo" Bønding: "Sick day, just got the news about the online crackdown, guess this is bad :("
Matt "All In At 420" Stout: "Everyone else is freaking about online poker being shut down in the U.S….I'm just trying 2 decide between Vancouver and Amsterdam!"
Phillip "USCphildo" Collins:"Looks like online poker is going down. Glad I'm as far away from it as possible…on a bus heading to Coachella 2011"),
Peter Jetten: "Whoa crazy DoJ raid, no idea what is really happening just going to sort it out later and party at Coachella"),
Jonathan "FatalError" Aguiar: . "The Mayans were only 18 months off predicting the end of the world, pretty impressive."
Mike "Timex" McDonald. ""Every few months, people think the sky is falling in online poker," For the first time ever, I'm one of them."
Jean-Robert Bellande: "Attn onliners! Perhaps its time to give live poker a try. Come play with me @ARIAPoker and ask about casino rate. I need to build my roll!"
Mickey "Mement_mori" Pedersen: "hey @FBI any chance I could have that 100k back you just stole from me?"
Tom 'durrrr' Dwan: "This is all clearly the fault of @RealKidPoker I told him if he ever started beating online poker the world would end."
Og så slutter vi lige af med dette klip fra South Park, som danske Mickey P. bruger som et billede på sin egen sindstilstand ovenpå chok-aktionen: This South Park clip sums up my feelings on online poker pretty well right now: