Full Tilt Poker var ikke længe om at besvare den kritik, som Phil Ivey onsdag sendte i retning af sin sponsor. Tiltware, der står bag Full Tilt, beskylder i en udmelding Phil Ivey for "at kun ville hjælpe en spiller - sig selv".
Den komplette ordlyd fra Tiltware lyder således ifølge Pokernews:
Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey's meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players' pockets.
In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey's frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.
Mudderkastningen mellem Phil Ivey og Full Tilt Poker lover umiddelbart ikke godt for et fortsat godt samarbejde mellem parterne. Onsdag smed Phil Ivey brænde på bålet, da han valgte at boykotte WSOP på grund af Full Tilt Pokers manglende udbetalinger til sine kunder. Af samme årsag valgte han at sagsøge sin sponsor.
Full Tilt: Ivey vil kun hjælpe sig selv