Ipoker-netværket afviser, at netværket tillader nogen form for brug af robotter/bots, hvad enten de er indsat af spillerne selv eller af et eller flere af de mange sites, som opererer på netværket.
I et statement lagt ud på pokerstrategy.com afviser iPoker lovligheden i enhver form for brug af automatiserede spillere – bots:
"Dear players,
We would like to take this opportunity to publish the network's policy and stance on automated "bots" being used on iPoker, and to comment on some specific accounts that have been mentioned on PokerStrategy.com. We are sorry that it took us a while to compile the statement as we had to put a focus on our investigations first.
Our policy is clear:
1. A poker account is to be used exclusively by the registered account holder and the use of any automated "bots" is prohibited.
2. In all cases where iPoker security department is satisfied that an account is being used in any other way than by the sole registered account holder the account is closed.
3. This is done in every case regardless of how much rake the account has contributed, and forum posts that suggest iPoker ignores "bots" because of the rake they generate are very much wide of the mark.
The network's security department regularly checks suspicious accounts at all stake levels and is freezing accounts for failing our "bot" testing procedures, as well as taking firm measures towards affiliates of such "bots" rings.
The integrity of the network is our highest priority and it is essential that players know they are in a secure environment. We will always investigate any account that we suspect of using "bots" and if the members of the iPoker network have concerns over particular accounts we request to receive these concerns and inquiries for investigation.
Det tyske pokermedie hochgepokert.de har i forlængelse af iPokers udmelding bedt om iPokers bud på, hvad der ligger til grund for, at kundesupporter fra både William Hill Poker og Paddy Power Poker uafhængigt af hinanden har erkendt brugen af 'hus-robotter' på de to iPoker-skins.
"These two incidents were examples of support staff performing very poorly. This has added to player fears and we certainly wish they had answered correctly but unfortunately that wasn't the case. The staff work for two different operators (and not for iPoker) and their management are taking steps to improve support staff knowledge."
iPoker kalder det altså et udtryk for dårlig og fejlagtig support, at de to ansatte uafhængigt af hinanden i korrespondancer med kunder har erklæret, at det er i overensstemmelse med de aftalevilkår der er indgået med spillerne, at der anvendes 'hus-robotter', som en hjælp til spillerne i forsøget på, at hæve likviditeten og antallet af spillere på sidernes borde.